Represents the data that will be sent to the endpoint.

interface InternalRequestOptions<B = unknown> {
    authPrefix?: string;
    body?: B;
    enforceAuth?: boolean;
    headers?: Record<string, string>;
    method: RequestMethod;
    query?: unknown;
    route: `/${string}`;
    useAuth?: boolean;

Type Parameters

  • B = unknown

Hierarchy (View Summary)


authPrefix?: string

The authorization prefix to use for this request.

body?: B

The body to send in this request.

enforceAuth?: boolean

If this request requires the Authorization token.

headers?: Record<string, string>

Additional headers to add to this request.

HTTP method to use.

query?: unknown

The URL query parameters to be sent with the request

route: `/${string}`

Route to request.

useAuth?: boolean

If this request needs the Authorization header.